Top 10 Countries that Hate the USA Most 2018

Top 10 Countries that Hate the USA Most 2018. Individuals around the world tended to have positive remarks about U.S. leadership. But residents of several countries had a negative opinion of the United States. The United States has long-running political worries that have many countries that disapprove of their U.S. leadership. Another possible reason for elevated disapproval of all U.S. leadership is that the connection with Israel. Here is the list of Top 10 Countries that Hate the USA.

Top 10 Countries that Hate the USA Most 2018

  1. Russia
  2. Palestinian Territories
  3. Belarus
  4. Lebanon
  5. Pakistan
  6. Iran
  7. Egypt
  8. Austria
  9. Tajikistan
  10. Slovenia

1. Russia

1. Top 10 Countries that Hate the USA Most

No country disapproves of America over Russia, where over 80 percent of poll respondents said that they disapproved of U.S. leadership. This was the worst evaluation from Russia at the background of this poll. While many Russians don’t like America, residents of a number of other countries don’t approve of Russia.

2. Palestinian Territories

Palestinian women shout slogans during a protest against the U.S. intention to move its embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in Gaza City December 6, 2017. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem – RC14B4A148F0

More than 75 Percent disapproval rating of Palestinians toward America. The U.S. government has stated it favors a two-state way to solve the Palestinian-Israeli battle. But, perceptions among Palestinian Territories inhabitants will probably not improve. The U.S. is recognized as entirely supporting and helping Israel despite the continuing occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

3. Belarus

As in many other former Soviet Union countries, many Belarus residents might still harbor dislike for America because of tensions during the Cold War. Further, the U.S. backing of Ukraine following Russia’s annexation of Crimea might have exacerbated ill will toward the U.S. in Belarus, as it did in other countries in the area. The country remains friendly with Russia.

4. Lebanon

Lebanon Is among 15 countries where a vast majority of respondents disapprove of U.S. leadership. It’s also among 11 countries where most disapprove of the EU leadership too. It’s one of eight countries where a majority.

5. Pakistan

Pakistan’s disapproval rating of U.S. leadership is higher than all but four other countries. America’s participation in the country might really be the issue, however. The U.S. concentrated its operations in Pakistan following the 9/11 strikes, and it continues to keep a solid presence in the country to fight terrorism. Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan, and also the U.S. assignment to kill him might also have increased disapproval among several Pakistanis.

6. Iran

The U.S. and Iran’s deep dislike for one another spans several years. In 1953, the CIA Helped oust Iran’s Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh to prevent the country From encouraging the Soviet Union. More lately, the U.S. and other Western countries have enforced exceptionally severe sanctions on Iran in an effort To curtail its atomic capabilities.

7. Egypt

The seventh-worst score among countries examined. Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab world and a crucial ally of the U.S. in its attempt to fight terrorism and promote stability in the area. The disapproval rating stayed flat since the ousting of democratically elected President Mohammed Morsi.

8. Austria

Austria’s disapproval of the U.S. attained 55 percent, making it among those countries with the highest disapproval ratings of the United States. Though, Austria is a bit of an outlier with this listing, as is neither the former Soviet Republic nor a mostly Muslim nation.

9. Tajikistan

Disapproval of the U.S. climbed within this mostly Sunni Muslim country. Tajikistan is among the poorest former Soviet bloc countries with a struggling economy, corruption, energy shortages, and other issues. It’s the smallest GDP of those countries disapproving of the U.S.

10. Slovenia

10. Top 10 Countries that Hate the USA Most

The vast majority of Slovenian poll respondents stated they didn’t approve of U.S. leadership. Regardless of the country’s standing as a significant ally in NATO and a part of the EU. Many residents have probably not forgotten the worries during the Cold War.

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Countries that Hate the USA Most 2018”

  1. So where is the name of the expert who wrote this? and which are his/her resources and evidence? I had to identify myself to comment! Where are the footnotes? For the most part, who cares what most of those anti-Americans think? They are not new enemies. I take exception to Austria having been there. Have you Mr/MS Anonymous Person? As far as our NATO allies, I suppose after having to payup after so many years of taking advantage of the US financially, even in trade deals, they are irritated. Most people are irritated when they have to pay late bills. Friends squabble occasionally, our opinion of each other rises and falls but it does not mean we HATE each other or have ended our relationship which even you pointed out. How about a positive article on The Countries that LOVE the US as a friend or ally? How about an article on Which of those people in those countries that HATE the US would like to IMMIGRATE here if they had the chance? That would be an interesting piece!

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