Top 25 Most Powerful People in America

Top 25 Most Powerful People in America. These guys are billionaires, CEOs, political leaders and individuals who have substantial wealth and influence that allows them to form up the entire world.

Sr. Name Organization
1 Donald Trump President of the United States
2 Jeff Bezos
3 Bill Gates Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
4 Larry Page Alphabet
5 Mark Zuckerberg Facebook
6 Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway
7 Jamie Dimon Chase
8 Christine Lagarde IMF
9 Doug McMillon Wal-Mart Stores
10 Tim Cook Apple
11 Elon Musk Tesla
12 Larry Fink BlackRock
13 Sergey Brin Alphabet
14 Charles Koch Koch Industries
15 Rupert Murdoch News Corp
16 Satya Nadella Microsoft
17 Jim Yong Kim World Bank
18 Stephen Schwarzman Blackstone Group
19 Lloyd Blankfein Goldman Sachs Group
20 Michael Bloomberg Bloomberg
21 Mary Barra General Motors
22 Michael Dell Dell
23 John Roberts United States
24 Ken Griffin Citadel LLC
25 Abigail Johnson Fidelity Investments

See also: 21 Most Handsome Men in the US History

1. Donald Trump

President, United States

Donald Trump became the only billionaire president in the US. The is the owner of a half-dozen buildings and around midtown Manhattan in NYC, in which luxury real estate values have dropped lately. Trump also possesses golf courses along with a winery, and it has licensed his name to firms around the globe. He also got his start working for his dad, Fred, who developed the cheap home in Brooklyn and Queens. Trump tapped his two eldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric, to run the family business while he’s in office.

2. Jeff Bezos

CEO and Founder,

Amazon’s chief Jeff Bezos is the first person who has a net worth exceeding $150 billion at the 3 decades. He owns 16 percent of e-commerce colossus Amazon, which he set in a garage in Seattle in 1994. His aerospace company, Blue Origin, is creating a reusable rocket which Bezos says will take passengers. He bought The Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million. Back in Sept. 2018, he declared the Bezos Day One Fund, a $2 billion pledge to assist displaced families and Make Montessori-inspired preschools from the U.S.

3. Bill Gates

Cofounder, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Together with his wife Melinda, Bill Gates seats the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s biggest private charitable foundation. They work to save lives and enhance international health, and so is working together with Rotary International to eliminate polio. Gates has offered or given away a lot of his bet in Microsoft which he possesses just over 1 percent of shares and spent in a mixture of stocks and other resources. He stays a board member of Microsoft, the software company that he founded with Paul Allen in 1975. In late 2016, Gates announced the launching of a $1 billion Breakthrough Energy investment fund about 20 other people. Up to now, Gates has given $35.8 billion worth of Microsoft stock to the Gates Foundation.

4. Larry Page

CEO, Alphabet

Larry Page sits at the helm of Alphabet, the parent firm of Google, healthcare division Calico, smart home appliance branch Nest and much more. He co-founder of Google in 1998 with fellow Stanford Ph.D. student Sergey Brin. With Brin, Page devised Google’s PageRank algorithm, which induces the search engine optimization. Page has been Google’s first CEO until 2001. After working as president of merchandise, he even took the CEO position again in 2011.

5. Mark Zuckerberg

Cofounder, Chairman and CEO, Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg Has seen his net worth soar because the social network’s stock price has skyrocketed. Back in April 2018, ” he testified before Congress after it had been disclosed that Facebook shared customers’ information with political consulting company Cambridge Analytica. Zuckerberg began Facebook in Harvard in 2004 at the age of 19. In December 2015, Zuckerberg along with his wife, Priscilla Chan, vowed to give away 99 percent of the FB stake over their lifetimes.

6. Warren Buffett

CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

Called the”Oracle of Omaha,” Warren Buffett is among the most Prosperous investors of all time. Buffett runs Berkshire Hathaway, which owns over 60 businesses, including carriers Geico, battery manufacturer Duracell and cafe chain Dairy Queen. The son of a U.S. congressman, he bought the stock at age 11 and filed taxes at age 13. He is guaranteed to give away over 99 percent of his wealth. So far he has given $35 billion, much of it into the foundation of buddies Bill and Melinda Gates. In 2010, he and Gates established the Giving Pledge, requesting billionaires to commit to devoting half of their wealth to charitable causes.

7. Jamie Dimon

CEO, Chase

He runs JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States with Regard to Resources. He started his finance career at American Express in 1982 and later helped construct the modern-day Citigroup. The Harvard graduate joined JPMorgan Chase in 2004; he became CEO and chairman shortly after. His movement to unload $12 billion of mortgages in 2006 buffered his lender contrary to the 2008 crash. Dimon was a rumored candidate for President Trump’s treasury secretary select and sat his policy forum before it was disbanded in August 2017.

8. Christine Lagarde

Managing director, International Monetary Fund

As head of the International Monetary Fund, Lagarde Functions to Attract economic Area to 189 countries Such as China, Russia and the U.K. Lagarde has strongly Encouraged central bankers Never to ignore virtual Monies. She became Managing Director and Chairman of the Executive Board of IMF at 2011, substituting Dominique Strauss-Kahn. She had been found guilty of uncertainty in December 2016 about abuse of public funds after she had been France’s finance ministry, but wasn’t fined.

9. Doug McMillon

CEO, Wal-Mart Stores

Doug McMillon took the reins of this retail colossus at 2014, after beginning his career at Walmart unloading trucks when he was a teenager. The youngest CEO to lead the company as founder Sam Walton helms that the world’s biggest personal workforce, with 2.3 million workers. The retail giant will start fewer supercenters during the next year since it spends more about e-commerce, customer support, and in-store tech.

10. Tim Cook

CEO, Apple

Tim Cook is the Guy behind the Firm with the world’s largest market capitalization — over $930 billion as of May 2018. Cook also conducts the most lucrative company in America –Apple earned over $48 billion in earnings this past year. The iPhone X has been released at November 2017 and price $999. Amid criticism of slow earnings, Cook defended it as the most advanced product. He is a hugely successful participant in engineering, design, publishing, and entertainment, though Apple Music remains trailing behind Spotify.

See also: Top 30 Richest Families in America

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