Top 5 Rarest Species of Snakes in the US

 Top 5 Rarest Species of Snakes in the US. This motherland has about 3,000 different species of snakes, and 600 of them are venomous. Even without limbs, this scariest creature has the power to end the life of a person. All other animals and even humans don’t want to encounter them, excluding the daring ones. So, whenever you hear a sound like HISSS… it’s time to rush.

Climate change and habitat loss are the factors behind the alarming conservation status of the snakes. Here, we will list the Top 5 Rarest Species of Snakes in the US.

5. Eastern King Snake

Eastern Kingsnake is the sub-specie of common Kingsnakes. They have a shiny black coat with white-yellowish strips ranging from top to bottom. Furthermore, this dreadful look of the Eastern king has added fuel to the fire. One of the congenital factors is that they are not venomous. But, it has the ability to choke its prey to death. The poor mammals, birds, and fishes are its dinner, but this is how the ecosystem operates.

This species is not under the graph of being threatened, vulnerable or extinct. They are in the catalog of Special Concern, which indicates that they will be threatened, which is alarming!

Origin: North America

Conservation status: Special Concern

Length: 36 – 48 inches

Weight: 285g

Lifespan: 20 – 30 years

4. Short-tailed Kingsnake

Short-tailed king snake’s attire has three different colors. The grey coat with big black patches, equally parted. Furthermore, an orange line of shells is in between the black spots.

Besides this, it’s a non-venomous snake. The ghastly reason behind its conservation status is habitat loss. They used to live underground, mostly in Xeric oak sandhills. But, their heritage is no more preserved. Furthermore, the destruction has resulted in losing an adequate number of Short-tailed snakes.

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Additionally, there is no need to be scared of them because they try their best to avoid human interaction.

Origin: Florida, United States

Conservation status: Endangered

Length: 20 inches

3. Rim Rock Crowned Snake

Rim Rock Crowned Snake is a tiny one. It’s also non-venomous. But the design and color natured have gifted it makes you think twice that it is poisonousness snake. Furthermore, the shiny reddish-brown body with a blackhead seems terrifying.

The best place to find the Rim Rock Crowned snake is in Florida. The climate is changing and has a drastic effect on every living being. And, it’s the same reason behind the endangerment of Rim Rom Crowned snake.

Origin: Florida, United States

Conservation status: Endangered

Length: 7 – 9 inches

Lifespan: 5 years

2. Giant Garter Snake

Giant Grater is one of the largest snakes of North America. The brownish body with golden outlines makes this creature a dreadful one.

It is a venomous snake but does not harm humans. Furthermore, its poison is not strong and only produces a little itch on the skin. While, for other creatures, the venom is strong, and it helps the viper to get complete control of the prey.

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They use to live in ponds, lakes, and rice fields, etc. Moreover, their population is decreasing because of the change in agriculture wetlands, floods, construction of recreational areas, and the list of drastic effects continues to go on.

Origin: Western United States

Conservation Status: Threatened

Length: 64 inches

Weight: 1 – 1.5 pounds

Lifespan: 10 years (In captivity)

1. Louisiana Pine Snake

The rarest snake of the United States is Louisiana Pine Snake. Over the last few decades, the growth graph of this species is going down and down.

It’s also a non-venomous snake. The authorities have released about 25 snakes in the wild, and the total figure of snakes in the forest is about 200. The original cause behind the loss of this species is the destruction of the pine habitat. If there is no home, then there will be no life. We have to take serious measures to save this species. Because sooner or later, this serpent will be no more without proper care.

Origin: Central Louisiana and Eastern Texas, United States

Conservation status: Endangered

Length: 4 – 5 feet

Weight: 107g

Lifespan: 20 years

Final thoughts

Time to stop this habitat loss; otherwise, we will lose all of these species. I hope you will find this article interesting and helpful.

1 thought on “Top 5 Rarest Species of Snakes in the US”

  1. When I lived in Fayetteville, Ark back in early 2000 My youngest son and I use to go to a small stream and fool around trying to catch small minnows and small frogs, it was just innocent fun that kept my son off of just being lazy watching TV and playing Nintendo games, when we turned over a rock in the small creek a foot long thin snake came slithering out and of course we just had to try to catch it. Well when it felt threaten and trying to get away it would curl up like a hula hoop and roll away. I have never seen a snake do that and I even tried getting the university there in Fayetteville to come out to investigate this new type of snake but because I was a Mexican American they looked down their noses at me and dismissed my claim, it was their loss because the University could have earned recognition for discovering a new type of snake, but hey if anyone is interested in showing a new type of snake then by all means go to Fayetteville, Arkansas and check out the small creeks and streams under rocks and maybe you’ll find such a snake. GOOD LUCK

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