Blue Grotto Florida | Best Place to Visit in Florida

My favorite place to vacation is anyplace by the ocean.

Blue Grotto Florida | Best Place to Visit in North Florida. The place we are going to mention here is full of god-gifted beauty. It’s a special offer from the motherland, and it will grasp your attention even after just reading a few about it. Here your imagination will work more than enough as the exquisiteness of this land will spellbind you.

Blue Grotto, Florida

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Deep blue crystal clear water surrounded by the mountains and the greenery is wholly a blessing from nature. The functioning of our system becomes fresh and active whenever we are close to this winsomeness.

The combination of fresh air, clean water at an adequate temperature will definitely bring you to this resort. This engrossing grandeur of the macrocosm is known as Blue Grotto, more precisely, a diving spot.

In this article, we will share our thoughts about this place. And how is it the best diving site in north Florida?

Background of Blue Grotto, Florida

A small city in Levy County known as Williston, Florida, has this beautiful cavern. This city has not numerous places to visit. But this single resort is good enough to capture the attention of divers from all over the world.

This area is known as a junction towards the wild beauty as it has alligator-infested-swap lands, the badlands will give a shiver of horror, but the beauty is captivating. You can witness most of these spots in Florida. So, here we will discuss one of the most loved and well-maintained areas of Florida.

Blue Grotto Dive Resort

This whole realm has three sections:

  • Rental Cabins
  • Swimming Pool
  • Blue Grotto

Let’s start from the bottom, Florida is a magical land of water springs. Nature has awarded it with the utmost resorts and beaches.


Blue Grotto is known for its 100ft underground corridor of water. This recreational part is a privately owned one. It is one of the largest and accessible underground water caverns in Florida.

It is the best place for drivers to train themselves. The dive starts from the entry into the water as they have placed stairs for this purpose. So, you will not encounter any of the issues in the beginning. As you dive into the cavern, the depth ranges from 10ft to 100 ft.

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There is a proper need for guidance and training before reaching the deepest spot of this place. So, they have designed a team for training too.

The scuba divers and the newbie’s in this field will get a chance to explore and learn more about the underwater stuff. So, this resort suits perfectly the people having a strong affection for diving. It has numerous features, and we will list all of them.

Dive Store | Blue Grotto, Florida

There is a proper Dive Store in Blue Grotto. They have all kinds of root accessories like diving suits, pads, and facial masks. And clothes like t-shirts and shorts, and a wide range of eatables like chips and beverages. You can also fill the containers with air and nitrox. They have built a deck for you to change your costume.

Dive Site | Blue Grotto, Florida

As soon as you dive into the pool of water, there come three underwater spots at different elevations. First, there is a water basin it is used mostly by the students and the instructors. They offer many training programs and classes to become an ideal diver.

The Upper cavern has a wide-open entrance at this level. The visibility is explicit as the sunlight comes into this deepness. But there is a need for dive lights during the night time. This area is secure and has one of the best features known as Air Bell. At the depth of about 30ft, there is an air bell, which allows you to talk with your dive partner as there is fresh air in it. This feature also gives a magnificent view of the whole cavern.

The lower cavern is not for everyone because of the 100ft depth. But the experienced divers can avail of this opportunity, or the newcomers can perform more practices in this field to hit the eligibility criteria.

Friendly underwater creature Virgil

 Blue Grotto has a friendly underwater creature known as Virgil. It is actually a female turtle. It has a unique facial structure and will meet you during the dive.                                              You will find Virgil in the darker area, don’t try to touch her. She will run away. There is a method to grab her attention by making a squeaky noise by rubbing your thumb and forefinger. You can also feed her but not human food as it will make her feel sick. So, try to bring her food while diving into the Blue Grotto.

Temperature and other marine life

One of the most noticeable and stunning aspects of this Dive resort is its constant temperature. You will experience that your body is in the same 72 degrees at every part of the carven.

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This substantial pool has greenery in the upper basin, and there you will find several fishes. They will come towards you to prowl. It’s bewildering to feel numerous fishes around you. So, it will be best if you try to bring food to them also.

Rental Cabins | Blue Grotto, Florida

They have designed these cabins for night stays as you can also enjoy camping in the surrounding area. You can do a picnic and can also enjoy a BBQ.

Price per person

If you want to dive in the morning, then it will cost about 44$ per person. And if you like to buy an additional dive gear along with it. The price will jump to 92$ per day.

Let’s see the best restaurant in this area if you are on a one day trip.

The Ivy House Restaurant and Boutique | Blue Grotto, Florida:

It is the best restaurant in Williston, Florida. They offer their services for breakfast, lunch, and brunch. The food is delicious, and it also has a variety of vegetarians.

Final Verdict

We have almost shared every detail about this eye-catching resort. We will highly recommend the travelers to visit this beautiful place and enjoy the crystal clear water. So, your next holiday will be in Blue Grotto, Florida.

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