Best places to visit in China Grove Texas

Best places to visit in China Grove, Texas. The land where we were born always has a deep connection with our life. Wherever we go or settle down, our love and affection never end for our motherland. This bond lasts till the death of the human.

China Grove, Texas

We all have a recollection of the place where we live. Our memories share a profound attachment with sites of their happening.  Here, we will share some of the best places for tourists in Chine Grove, Texas.

History | China Grove, Texas

This town is in Bexar County, Texas. The easy way of finding this town is that it is in the third-largest city of Texas. The name of this big city is San Antonio.

The evolution period for this town was the start of the 20th century. In 1930, the area started to grow with few houses, a church, and a school. The actual widening of the city was initiated after the Second World War.

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The number of inhabitants was low, but now there is a steady increase in the population. The graph has reached the value of 1,247 from 827 in a period of ten years. The citizenry of this town is somehow equal to the other settlements of Texas. Its fame is because of the Doobie Brothers song whose name was China Grove.

Now, let’s see what’s the most attractive and thrilling spots of China Grove.

China Grove Roller Mill, Texas

It is one of the significant places to pay a visit to China Grove, Texas. The building was constructed in 1903. And it has all the milling types of machinery for the floor of that time. You can see the old machinery as they have displayed it in a three-story building wholly with uniqueness.

China Grove Roller Mill

This place is now serving as a Museum for people as it has mentioned and displayed the old methodology of floor grinding.

Happy Tails Alpacas | China Grove, Texas

Alpaca is the sweetest and fluffiest animal. So, this place seems like the heart of China Grove. This honeyed animal is an utmost attraction for the tourists, and the farm is also offering you to feed, play, and take a snap with Alpaca.

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The offer doesn’t end here; you can also adopt the Alpaca and pay a visit once a month. The service of playing with Alpaca’s will attract the kids. So, this is the fixed spot to visit in China Grove, Texas.

Tiger World | China Grove, Texas

The drive of about 2.9km will take you towards the wildlife area. You can witness the exotic animals closely, as this is not a regular zoo. It’s an educational center about fauna.

A proper guide will accompany you and will teach you a lot about the process of rescuing and rehabilitation the tigers. On visiting Happy Tails Alpaca, you can also have this opportunity to hit the wildlife. So, it’s a double treat.

 Lake Corriher | China Grove, Texas

Lake Corriher Wilderness Park offers you several opportunities to make the trip a valuable one. This lake has god-gifted beauty if you are exhausted from the hectic life. Then this place will fill you with serenity and calmness.

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The authorities have designed numerous activities for you like: boating, fishing, and camping. You can stay there as they have cabins with all the necessities of life. So, this resort fulfills all the relaxing features that were once in your pocket.

Now, it’s time to look for some food restaurants.

Gary’s Barbecue | China Grove, Texas

It is the best restaurant in the town. It offers many delicious dishes, but its barbecue is the most famous one. The quality and taste of the food are exceptional. They also hit Gluten-free food items. Their BBQ sandwiches are the most loved ones. So, don’t forget to visit this place.

China Grove Family Restaurant, Texas

It is the second most delicious food place in China Grove, Texas. They offer lunch and dinner. The menu has a variety, but its fast food has taken all the attention.

Final Verdict

Visiting this town will never disappoint you as it has many places to strike. So, we will recommend you to pay a visit to the Lake Corriher, Tiger World, Happy Tails Alpaca’s, and roller’s mill as all these spots have their specialty.

1 thought on “Best places to visit in China Grove Texas”

  1. You have China Grove Texas and China Grove NC mixed up. We do NOT have the China Grove ROLLER MILL, a Tiger World, or a LAKE . Nor Gary’s BBQ.

    I am assuming these places are in No. Carolina. PLEASE correct this website so that anyone visiting our town in Texas will not be disapointed with us.

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