Top 10 Native American Tribes In The United States

Top 10 Native American Tribes In The United States. The Native Americans, also Called American Indians, Indigenous Americans. There are more than 500 federally Recognized tribes within the USA. The Native Americans are American Indians, also Alaska Natives of ethnicities. Native Hawaiians Aren’t counted as Native Americans on the US Census.

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1. Cherokee

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The Cherokee are among the Native peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands. Before the 18th century, they focused on southwestern North Carolina. They’re also in southeastern Tennessee, as well as the tips of western South Carolina and northeastern Georgia.

2. Navajo

The Navajo are Native American people of the Southwestern United States. The Navajo divided between two federally recognized tribes. The titles are Navajo Nation and the Colorado River Indian Tribes.

3. Sioux

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The Sioux, also Called Ochethi Sakowin, Native American tribe and First Nations peoples in North America. The expression refers to some cultural group inside the Great Sioux. The Sioux include three key branches based on language, the Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota.

4. Chippewa

The Ojibwe, Ojibwa, Chippewa, or Saulteaux are still an Anishinaabeg group of Native Peoples in North America. They Reside in Canada and the United States and are among the biggest Indigenous Cultural groups north of the Rio Grande.

5. Choctaw

The Choctaw are Native American individuals originally inhabiting what’s now the Southeastern United States. Their Choctaw language belongs to the Muskogean language family group. Hopewell and Mississippian cultures dwelt across the east of the Mississippi River valley and its tributaries. About 1,700 years back, the Hopewell people built Nanih Waiya. A fantastic earthwork mound situated in what is fundamental present-day Mississippi. It is considered sacred by the Choctaw.

6. Puebloans

The Puebloans or even Pueblo individuals are Native Americans in the Southwestern United States. They share common agricultural, substance, and spiritual practices. After Spaniards entered the region beginning in the 16th century, they came across complicated, multi-story villages. They called pueblos, or towns, a phrase that later came to refer and the individuals who reside in those villages.

7. Apache

The Apache is a group of Culturally linked Native American tribes in the Southwestern United States. You will find Apache communities in Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. Apache Moved across the United States and elsewhere, such as urban centers. The Apache Nations are autonomous, speak several Unique languages, and have different cultures.

8. Lumbee

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Lumbee Tribe of Carolina is a state-recognized tribe of vague tribal roots numbering approximately 60,000 registered members. The Majority of them reside in Robeson and the adjoining Counties in south-central North Carolina. The Lumbee Tribe knew as a Native American tribe by the United States Congress. 89 percent of the Populace of this town of Pembroke, North Carolina, identified as Lumbee.

9. Eskimo

Eskimo is an English Word for the Native peoples who traditionally occupied the northern circumpolar Area from eastern Siberia (Russia) to around Alaska (of the United States), Canada, and Greenland.

10. Muscogee

The Muscogee, Creek area Connected a group of native peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands. Their first homelands have been in what today contains southern Tennessee, all of Alabama, western Georgia a part of northern Florida.

13 thoughts on “Top 10 Native American Tribes In The United States”

  1. I wonder how the 12 tribes of the holy bible line up with native Americans….seems to ne they are the 144,000 with Gods name written in their foreheads

  2. Back in the day when I worked for Pacific Bell in San Francisco, Calif. I had the pleasure of working with a man name Jerry, a Lakota Sioux and Jose a Chicano both native to this continent and I was trying to find out where I come from. Thanks to Jerry he said look to the mother’s . Thanks to DNA I am an Ethiopian American. The thing is I did not inherit from my mother because I am a “Mule” what you would call a half-breed who does not inherit mother’s genetic code or father’s. That’s what happens when on mixes with another, generally. My mother was African and Father was Neopolitan. I am now 72 years old and have not seen Jerry in years and I wish I could tell him.

  3. Pamela L Graber

    Myself and a friend have come up with a plan that may be beneficial to all Indigenous people especially women and children! We sincerely believe that this idea, put into action, would be the strongest way to put the self important, self righteous, entitled white men of the U.S. , republicans mainly, in their place. It would improve the lives of all women and children. It would also enhance the perception and enhance the importance of the roles of indigenous men in today’s world.
    Please have a member of your tribe contact me for more information.
    My dream is to see this idea become part of a large movement. Therefore I hope to hear from many people who have a true and heartfelt interest in this idea. You may email me at pampurredlady
    Thank you, Pam Graber

    1. Myself and a friend have an idea that we believe would truly enhance the lives of indigenous people in this country. It would, hopefully, push back the self righteous, self important , entitled white men( mostly the republicans) who are slowly but surely destroying this country. The men, women and children of all indigenous tribes would all benefit from this idea.
      Please let me know if you are interested.
      Thank you,
      Pam Graber

      1. Pam !!! You must be Polish or truly believe in Santa At least a Democrat with NO belief whatever in America Get real!!

    2. To Pam

      My name is Alan Squirrell and I live in the UK and have never been to the USA.

      I am retired and have taken an interest in Native American history.

      It is difficult to find information that is not either written or biased by the

      white man’s viewpoint! I have emailed two libraries in the USA, and both failed

      to respond which I find disappointing! Their advert to share knowledge is left wanting.

      To be honest I am not sure what I am asking of you other than a sense of direction

      as to what and where is the information available to try and comprehend the Indian’s

      point of view and their understanding of past events. What books or websites are

      available to help me increase my knowledge on this regrettable period in the white

      mans history!

      I fear if Trump should be given a second chance the hill you climb will get steeper!

      Sadly, Hollywood has done very little to enhance the image of the Indian if anything has made it worse!

      The New World was new to the white man but not the Indian and it was taken in the name of ‘progress’, the white man’s not the Indian and in ‘God’s’ name whom I believe would not have condoned genocide as all are his children, or so I am led to believe!

      I’m going to stop now but if there is anything in this email you feel you can contribute to, I would be pleased to hear from you.


      Alan Squirrell

      1. Mr Squirrell Perhaps you can connect with American Indian Colleges across the US and Canada. There you can deeper explore the histories of Indigenous native americans!

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